Holt Mcdougal Mathematics Course 2 Teachers Guide

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A new era in the middle school math curriculum and a new approach for reaching all students! In keeping with the Common Core Standards, Holt McDougal Mathematics offers new, streamlined Student Editions that focus on deeper understanding of math strategies and concepts, with implementation of the Standards for Mathematical Practice. A combination of print texts, eTexts, and robust Interactive Online Editions is ideal for middle school math courses.

Holt McDougal Mathematics in your classroom. Assessment and intervention system for adaptive instruction and individualized RtI. Robust On Core ExamView ® Assessment Suite for Common Core Assessment preparation. Math Practices emphasized in student lessons and correlated in Teacher’s Editions. It’s a Common Core Revolution—Yes, Less is More New, streamlined Student Editions provide clear, comprehensive coverage of the new Common Core State Standards, with full Correlations in the front and CCSS wording printed on lesson pages (so parents know what is expected). Fewer lessons, taught to greater depth, and all supported with the new Holt McDougal Mathematics Explorations in Core Math for Common Core workbook. Makes Math Practices Priority #1 Lessons and activities emphasize conceptual understanding, focus on critical thinking and reasoning, and integrate mathematical modeling.

Holt mcdougal mathematics course 2 answer key

Math Practices are correlated in the Teacher’s Editions. The new On Core Activity Generator provides a full collection of performance tasks, conceptual investigations, and collaborative activities that develop true depth of knowledge.

Check out the separate bank of activities for the Math Practice Standards and the bank of Graphic Organizers. Print Books, eTexts, and Robust Interactive Online Editions Any way you want it, that’s the way you get it. Our textbooks are available in print, or you can pick and choose with class sets of texts and Holt McDougal Mathematics Explorations in Core Math for Common Core workbooks per student. You can go “green” with the most intuitive Online Editions available that work through a single log-in for the texts, resources, and online assessment system. Laser-focused on Closing the Gaps with Individualized RtI The new Are You Ready? And Ready to Go On? Assessment and intervention system helps close the gap in student understanding using detailed item analysis and prescriptions for individual students.

The online assessment and intervention resources make it easy for teachers and students to navigate the new standards-driven curriculum. Preparation for the New National Assessments The On Core ExamView ® Assessment Suite has the latest software and over 11,000 items written to all DOK levels and organized by 6–12 CCSS. What a way to provide additional standards-based practice; dip down to a Tier 3 level for skills remediation; and to prepare for new formats on the Common Core assessments! May be uploaded into the online assessment system. When final test formats are released, updated assessments and test preparation will help prepare your students to excel on national exams. Developed from the Common Core State Standards Holt McDougal Mathematics Common Core Editions are focused on preparing students for the new era in mathematics in Grades 6, 7, and 8.

Built for the Common Core Math Standards, the programs components and features help prepare students for new high-stakes assessments. The Student Editions provide clear, comprehensive coverage of the new Common Core State Standards, with a special focus on the Standards for Mathematical Practice. More than just a full correlation to the new Common Core State Standards, teacher support includes chapter prerequisites, pacing guide, and course planners with teaching support to ensure complete coverage of the Common Core State Standards.

Are You Ready? And Ready to Go On? Features provide a highly effective, integrated Tier 1, 2, and 3 Assessment and Intervention System. Unique to Holt McDougal Mathematics, these features help students catch up and keep up with all the important concepts and skills. Holt McDougal Mathematics for Grades 6, 7, and 8 is built on a solid foundation of research, proven to work in the classroom, and is consistent with No Child Left Behind requirements. This research is backed by the expertise of a world-class team of authors who have executed a program that makes students want to learn, helps them actually learn, and ensures their success on high-stakes tests.

Edward Burger - Program Author Edward Burger is the Francis Christopher Oakley Third Century Professor of Mathematics at Williams College, an educational and business consultant, and most recently served as Vice Provost for Strategic Educational Initiatives at Baylor University. He is the author of over 60 research articles, books, and video series (starring in over 3,000 on-line videos). Burger was awarded the 2000 Northeastern Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Award for Distinguished Teaching and 2001 MAA Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo National Award for Distinguished Teaching of Mathematics.

The MAA also named him their 2001-2003 Polya Lecturer. He was awarded the 2003 Residence Life Teaching Award from the University of Colorado at Boulder. In 2004 he was awarded Mathematical Association of America's Chauvenet Prize and in 2006 he was a recipient of the Lester R. In 2007, 2008, and 2011 he received awards for his video work. In 2007 Williams College awarded him the Nelson Bushnell Prize for Scholarship and Teaching. Burger is an associate editor of the American Mathematical Monthly and Math Horizons Magazine and serves as a Trustee of the Kenan Institute for the Arts at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts. In 2006, Reader's Digest listed Burger in their annual '100 Best of America' as America's Best Math Teacher.

In 2010 he was named the winner of the 2010 Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching—the largest and most prestigious prize in higher education teaching across all disciplines in the English speaking world. Also in 2010 he starred in a mathematics segment for NBC-TV on the Today Show and throughout the 2010 Winter Olympic coverage. That television appearance won him a 2010 Telly Award. The Huffington Post named him one of their 2010 Game Changers; 'HuffPost's Game Changers salutes 100 innovators, visionaries, mavericks, and leaders who are reshaping their fields and changing the world.' Most recently in 2012, Microsoft Worldwide Education selected him as one of their 'Global Heroes in Education.' In 2013 Burger will be inducted as a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society. Burger is co-author of Holt McDougal Mathematics and Holt McDougal Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2.

Edward Burger earned his B.A. Summa Cum Laude with distinction in mathematics from Connecticut College and his Ph.D. In Mathematics from the University of Texas at Austin. Burger did post-doctoral work at the University of Waterloo in Canada. Jennie Bennett - Program Author Dr. Jennie Bennett’s contributions as a middle school math teacher in Texas with the Houston Independent School District (ISD) have been recognized for their creativity and dedication. She is an expert in problem solving, and led the concept development of the problem solving strand in Holt Mathematics.

Bennett is a member of many prestigious teaching and mathematics associations, including the Benjamin Banneker Association (for which she served as president), the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), the Texas Association of Supervisors of Mathematics (TASM), and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). She has also served as a member of the NCTM Board of Directors. Bennett is coauthor of HSP Math, and Holt McDougal Mathematics programs. Bennett received her Ph.D. From the University of Houston.

Chard - Program Author David J. Is the Leon Simmons Endowed Dean and founding dean of the Annette Caldwell Simmons School of Education and Human Development and Professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning at Southern Methodist University. Chard has been the principal investigator on numerous federal research projects including topics such as response to intervention (RTI), reading, reading comprehension instruction, and early childhood mathematics. Since receiving his Ph.D.

In special education in 1995 from the University of Oregon, he has been awarded state and federal research and training grants totaling over $10 million. Chard has published more than 90 articles, monographs, book chapters, and books on instructional interventions and modifications in mathematics, reading and expressive writing. He is a member of the International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities, the American Mathematical Association, a Past President for the Division for Research at the Council for Exceptional Children, and a member of numerous national and regional boards supporting high quality educational opportunities for all children. He is the author of numerous instructional programs on reading, early literacy intervention, language arts, and mathematics spanning K–12 education and has been a classroom teacher in California, Michigan, and in the U.

Peace Corps in Lesotho in southern Africa. In October of 2011 Dr. Chard was nominated by President Barack Obama to serve on the Board of Directors of the National Board for Education Sciences, a 15 member board that advises and consults with the director of the Institute of Education Science. Chard is co-author of Holt McDougal Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Mathematics, as well as Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Journeys, a new K–6 reading program. Earlene Hall - Program Author Dr. Earlene Hall is an adjunct professor at Wayne State University, where she teaches staff development. She is a specialist in promoting the professional growth of mathematics teachers.

One of her primary roles in the Detroit Public Schools is to develop curriculum and provide support through professional development, support teachers improvising instructional intervention, and evaluate the effectiveness of mathematics curriculum alignment with state and national standards. Hall is on the executive board for the Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics and has served on several key committees for the Michigan Department of Education. She has presented to numerous organizations on topics related to student achievement in mathematics and African-Centered mathematics.

Hall is coauthor of Holt McDougal Mathematics and Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra 2. Paul Kennedy - Program Author Paul Kennedy is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Colorado State University. Hired as a Professor in the Department of Mathematics, he effectively transformed the department's pre-calculus program into a state-of-the-art online instructional/assessment environment.

The instructional approach in the new PACe (Paced Algebra to Calculus electronically) Center is based on mastery learning principles and offers both online and classroom instruction. Development continues with the construction of an innovative white board environment for online teaching, tutoring, and collaborative learning. Kennedy's research focus has been on mathematics achievement and on the use of technology. He is also a frequent speaker at major conferences, including the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the Texas Instruments sponsored T3 International Conference. Kennedy received the 2007 Colorado State University CNS Award for Excellence, Teaching Innovation. Kennedy has been a national author for Holt McDougal Mathematics since 1990, having co-authored 14 textbooks.

He is the co-author of Holt McDougal Mathematics; Holt McDougal Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2; and Steck-Vaughn Transitions: Mathematics. Kennedy received his Ph.D. In Mathematics Education from the University of Texas at Austin.

Freddie Renfro - Program Author Freddie Renfro is currently a mathematics coach and consultant, having served for 35+ years in Texas education. She is the former Director of Mathematics Instruction for the Texas City Independent School District, K–12. Among her many years of work with Texas mathematics, she has served as a Texas Education Agency reviewer for TAAS/TAKS/TDMS (State Assessments), team trainer for Texas Math Institutes, TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) Algebra Institute writer, and Mathematics Academy master trainer. Freddie Renfro has conducted numerous mathematics training sessions and workshops, and has delivered keynote addresses across the country. Freddie Renfro is co-author of Holt McDougal Mathematics, and Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2. Janet Scheer - Program Author Dr. Janet Scheer is the Executive Director of Create A Vision, a company that customizes math staff development for Grades K–12.

She has taught elementary, middle, and high school in New York and Israel. For ten years she was a professor of mathematics education at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, where she also founded and directed the Diagnostic Math Clinic. She has done international work in Nepal and South America and for the past thirty years has served as a consultant/workshop leader/motivational speaker throughout the United States, Mexico, and Europe. Scheer has authored numerous books and articles based on her comprehensive expertise in practical, research-based strategies for teaching mathematics for understanding. She has published articles in the Arithmetic Teacher, School Science and Mathematics, Educational Leadership, Childhood Education, Learning, and other professional journals. Scheer is coauthor of HSP Math and Holt McDougal Mathematics. Bert Waits - Program Author Dr.

Bert Waits is a Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at The Ohio State University and the co-founder of the T3 program (Teachers Teaching with Technology), which began as local training in the use of graphing calculators in 1986 and has grown into the world’s largest professional training program focused on handheld technology in the classroom. He is the co-founder and director of the Ohio Early College Mathematics Placement Testing (EMPT) Program of the Ohio Board of Regents. Waits has served as president of the Central Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, is also a former board member of NCTM, and an author of the original NCTM Standards. Waits has authored numerous math textbooks and more than 70 publications in nationally-recognized professional journals.

He has assisted in the design of the Texas Instruments family of graphing calculators and handheld computers since 1998. His current focus is mathematics teacher training and promoting appropriate use of handheld technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Waits developed the Technology Labs in the Holt Math programs. He is an author on the Holt McDougal Mathematics and Holt McDougal Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 programs. The Holt McDougal Mathematics Explorations in Core Math for Common Core is designed to provide a strong Common Core support for teachers implementing the new Common Core State Standards and can be used either while still teaching from existing secondary mathematics programs currently in use or on its own. Holt McDougal Mathematics Explorations in Core Math for Common Core covers the entire Common Core State Standards for each grade level.

Unique lesson design helps focus students’ attention on the important Standards for Mathematical Practice, too. Units in the Student Editions open with an introduction to the new Standards and Key Vocabulary in the Unpacking the Standards section.

Guided-discovery lessons help students develop conceptual understanding and include Essential Questions and Reflect prompts. Lessons are followed with scaffolded guided practice, and then additional independent Practice and Problem Solving, so that students master important skills and develop expertise in modeling with the mathematics. Every unit closes with three or four leveled Performance Tasks followed by an extended Problem Solving Connection modeling opportunity. Every unit concludes with a section of Assessment Readiness test preparation practice that features selected response, constructed response, and extended response items. The Teacher’s Editions provide convenient professional development information that explains the Common Core Content Standards and the Standards for Mathematical Practice.

Holt mathematics course 2

Full teaching support is provided for every lesson, including notes for incorporating Teaching Strategies, helping students Avoid Common Errors, and making the Technology Connection. Lesson introductions include standards explanations, prerequisite skills, and important Math Background information. Questioning Strategies are included to use with lesson examples. Lessons close with a Summarize prompt. Highlighting the Standards strategies are often included to help teachers focus on the Standards for Mathematical Practice. As units close with Assessment Readiness, the Teacher’s Editions provide item correlations and item analyses for diagnosing student errors and useful for teaching test-taking strategies.

Meaningful Assessments Holt McDougal Mathematics Explorations in Core Math for Common Core provides meaningful assessments to match instruction at the end of every unit. Leveled Performance Tasks serve as convenient authentic assessment tools and the Teacher’s Editions provide scoring rubrics. The next feature, Problem Solving Connections, may be used as an extended modeling activity or performance tasks. Every unit closes with a section of Assessment Readiness that features selected response, constructed response, and extended response items. The corresponding Teacher’s Editions pages provide item correlations and item analyses to help teachers diagnose student errors. Comprehensive Teacher Guidance The Holt McDougal Mathematics Explorations in Core Math for Common Core Student Editions provide a section of Unpacking the Standards at the beginning of every unit as a tool for explaining the goals and focus of the new Standards to students and their parents. Teacher’s Editions provide helpful teaching notes throughout the lesson teaching cycle.

The Performance Assessment tasks at the end of every unit are leveled so that students may have universal access for assessment preparation. Ease of Use and Accessibility for Teachers The Holt McDougal Mathematics Explorations in Core Math for Common Core program makes it easy to incorporate new Common Core content and mathematical practices into existing curricula. The Student Editions provide full interactive lessons for all Standards and include meaningful assessments for every Unit. The Teacher’s Editions provide correlations, math background information, and teaching notes for every lesson. Helpful assessment tools are included for every Unit. Additionally, the Company is preparing helpful crosswalk information online so that teachers will have guidance for integrating this new Common Core program with their existing basal materials.

Holt McDougal Mathematics for Grades 6, 7, and 8 addresses Response to Intervention in middle school math throughout the series through unique features like:. Are You Ready?. Ready to Go On?.

Questioning Strategies. Success for Every Learner. I.D.E.A.

Modified Worksheets and Tests Are You Ready? Provides direct instruction on scaffolded practice worksheets for students in need of help with basic skills review.

Students log in and take an assessment that diagnoses and prescribes scaffolded intervention practice. Are You Ready? Helps students in need of basic skill review and provides enrichment for those ready to move on. (Also available in print) Ready to Go On?

An online interactive prescriptive assessment that offers skill and problem-solving intervention practice to address student weaknesses before they are given summative tests, or enrichment for those ready to move on. (Also available in Print) Questioning Strategies Questions designed to target the Standards for Mathematical Practice and develop depth of knowledge of the key concepts. Intervention is then recommended when needed throughout this resource. Success for Every Learner This resource provides alternate practice for each lesson, using a visual approach, and is ideal for English language learners as well as other students. Strategies for differentiated instruction are also included. This teaching resource provides modified practice and problem-solving worksheets for every lesson and modified quizzes and tests for every chapter—along with flashcards—to support I.D.E.A. (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, an initiative guaranteeing that students with disabilities have the right to receive specially designed instruction).

Standards for Mathematical Practice The Standards for Mathematical Practice are important processes and proficiencies that span all levels of mathematics. The eight practices covered in these standards stress the ability to not just “do” math but to understand and explain the math. Holt McDougal Mathematics for Grades 6, 7, and 8 have integrated these practices into student learning throughout the program to develop learners who can think outside of the box. Persevere in Solving Problems Holt McDougal's four-step problem-solving plan guides students through the process of problem solving.

At the beginning of each book, the problem-solving process is introduced, and practice appears throughout. Focus on Problem Solving features found in every chapter provide practice on this process and encourage students to apply what they have learned. Reason Abstractly and Quantitatively Think and Discuss appears at the end of every lesson or activity, prompting students to evaluate statements, explain relationships, apply mathematical principles, and justify their reasoning. Critique the Reasoning of Others What if?, Error Analysis, and Reasoning exercises demonstrate students' understanding of the application of mathematical principles and allow them to qualify their reasoning. Students are also prompted to show their deeper understanding of the mathematical structure. Model with Math Application exercises and Real-world Connections apply mathematics to other disciplines and in real-world scenarios. Use Tools Strategically A variety of Hands-on Labs and Technology Labs use concrete technology tools to explore mathematical concepts.

The Graphing Calculator activities incorporate graphing technology into student learning. Attend to Precision Reading and Writing Math and Write About It exercises help students learn and use the language of math to communicate mathematics precisely. Express Regularity in Repeated Reasoning and Make Use of Structure Lesson examples group similar types of problems together, and the solutions are carefully stepped out. This allows students to make generalizations about—and notice variations in—the underlying structures.

Holt McDougal created comprehensive middle school mathematics programs with today's students in mind. With a plethora of digital assets available for classroom instruction and for independent work, students stay actively engaged in their mathematics lessons, thus increasing retention and application outside the classroom. Interactive Whiteboard Lessons Whether you are using a SMART Board ®, Promethean ®, or another type of interactive whiteboard device, Holt McDougal Mathemathics Interactive Whiteboard Lessons are compatible and easy to use.

Prentice Hall Mathematics Course 2

Simply make sure you have ActivInspire ® on your computer before downloading. Download Samples (3.5MB) (3.7MB) (4.3MB) (1.5MB).

TI-Nspire ® Activities Holt McDougal is the first publisher to use the new TI ® player with activities. The TI player permits students to access the functionality of the graphing calculator online at the TI secure website. These lessons and tools guide students to understand key math concepts using the power of TI-Nspire technology. Correlations provided to teachers facilitate lesson enhancement. All of the TI Activities are designed to enhance the conceptual understandings of the Common Core Standards. Our Mission Is to Advance Yours HMH Professional Services forges student-centered partnerships with schools and districts in the belief that all learners deserve a quality education and the opportunity for lifelong success. HMH Professional Services includes teachers, leaders, and technologists.

Our Professional Learning Consultants become part of your team, working right beside you to build and implement professional learning plans that respect the unique needs and culture of your school or district community. Through program, practice, and technical services, we work collaboratively to unlock the full potential of every student, teacher, and leader. Visit us at to learn more. Shop Program Components.

Alignment While Course 1 does address major coursework of Grade 6, future grade level work is taught and assessed. Chapter 7 addresses major work with ratios. However, the material often uses the term “proportion” and asks students to solve for them. This is not wording taken from the standard as students in Grade 6 do not directly solve proportions. Another example of this is seen in Chapter 13 where the material uses the term “function.” This terminology isn’t used until Grade 8.

By changing these two terms, the problems on these chapter assessments would more closely align to the Grade 6 standards. Since these materials do not meet the expectations for alignment to the CCSSM for focus or coherence, they were not reviewed for rigor or the math practices. GATEWAY ONE Focus & Coherence DOES NOT MEET EXPECTATIONS The instructional materials reviewed for Grade 6 do not meet the expectations for Gateway 1. While there are lessons in which the supporting work enhances the understanding of the major work of Grade 6, approximately 12 percent of time is dedicated to major work for Grade 6. This number was found by dividing the number of instructional days dedicated to major work (22 days) by the total number of days to complete the entire course (180 days). Less than 50 percent of the resource assesses Grade 6 standards.

This number was found by finding the average percent of questions on grade level within each unit assessment. 0 0. 6 The majority of the time spent on Course 1 is not at the Grade 6 level. The major work of the grade level is included, but it addressed in approximately 19 percent of the lessons (22 days out of 113 days of instruction).

Chapters 2 (all lessons; 10 days), 5 (Lessons 5-1, 5-5, 5-9, 5-10; 4.5 days), 7 (Lessons 7-1, 7-2, 7-9; 3 days), 11 (Lessons 11-1 - 11-3; 3.5 days) and 13 (Lesson 13-5; 1 day) contain the major coursework for this grade, but only Chapters 2 and 5 do not also contain material from future grades’ learnings. 0/2 Indicator 1a The instructional material assesses the grade-level content and, if applicable, content from earlier grades.

Holt Mcdougal Mathematics Course 2 Online Textbook

Content from future grades may be introduced but students should not be held accountable on assessments for future expectations. The instructional materials reviewed for Grade 6 do not meet the expectations for appropriately assessing grade-level standards. Overall, the materials assess topics from future grades in such a way that the modification or omission of the assessment items aligned to the above grade-level topics, and the accompanying lessons, would significantly impact the underlying structure of the materials for the grade. A list of the above, grade-level topics and the chapters in which they occur follow. In Chapter 3, there are assessment items that address scientific notation (8.EE.A.4).

In Chapter 7, there are assessment items that address working with scale drawings (7.G.A.1). In Chapter 8, there are assessment items that address angle relationships, which most closely align to 7.G.B.5, and transformations, which most closely align to 8.G.A.

In Chapter 9, there are assessment items that address parts of circles and the circumference of circles, which most closely aligns to 7.G.B.4. In Chapter 10, there are assessment items that address the area of circles (7.G.B.4), the volume of triangular prisms (7.G.B.6), and the volume of cylinders (8.G.C.9).

In Chapter 11, there are assessment items that address transformations on the coordinate plane, which align to 8.G.A, operations with negative, rational numbers, which align to 7.NS.A, and solving equations involving negative, rational numbers, which align to 7.EE.B. In Chapter 12, the vast majority of the assessment items address probability, which aligns to 7.SP.C.

In Chapter 13, there are assessment items that address writing functions in two variables, which aligns to 8.F.B.4, and solving multi-step equations and inequalities, which aligns to 7.EE.B.Evidence updated 10/27/15. 0 0. 4 Students and teachers using the materials as designed devote the large majority of class time in each grade K-8 to the major work of the grade. The instructional materials reviewed for Grade 6 do not meet the expectations for the majority of class time being spent on the major work for Grade 6. Course 1 of the Holt McDougall series has approximately 25% of its content focused on the major work. The major work of Grade 6 is understanding ratio concepts (6.RP.A); applying and extending previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions (6.NS.A); applying and extending previous understanding of numbers to the system of rational numbers (6.NS.C); applying and extending previous understanding of arithmetic to algebraic expressions (6.EE.A); and representing and analyzing quantitative relationships between dependent and independent variables (6.EE.C).

0/4 Indicator 1b Instructional material spends the majority of class time on the major cluster of each grade. The instructional materials reviewed for Grade 6 do not meet the majority of class time spent on the major work of Grade 6. The major work of Grade 6 is:. understanding ratio concepts (6.RP.A);. applying and extending previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions (6.NS.A);.

applying and extending previous understanding of numbers to the system of rational numbers (6.NS.C);. applying and extending previous understanding of arithmetic to algebraic expressions (6.EE.A); and,. representing and analyzing quantitative relationships between dependent and independent variables (6.EE.C). Course 1 of the Holt McDougal series has approximately 25% of its content focused on the major work of the grade.


1/2 Indicator 1c Supporting content enhances focus and coherence simultaneously by engaging students in the major work of the grade. The instructional materials reviewed for Grade 6 partially meet the expectations for supporting content enhancing the major work for Grade 6. There were a few places where the supporting work enhances the understanding of the major work of Grade 6. It was less than 10% of the work in Course 1 of the Holt McDougal Series. There is evidence that in a few lessons in chapters 3-6 and 10 that students compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find common factors and multiples (6.NS.B) to support the major work of 6.EE.A.

The work of solving real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area and volume (6.G.A) is used to support the major work of reasoning about and solving one-variable equations. Lessons supporting standard 6.EE.B are in chapter 10. 0/2 Indicator 1e Materials are consistent with the progressions in the Standards i. Materials develop according to the grade-by-grade progressions in the Standards. If there is content from prior or future grades, that content is clearly identified and related to grade-level work ii. Materials give all students extensive work with grade-level problems iii. Materials relate grade level concepts explicitly to prior knowledge from earlier grades.

The instructional materials for Grade 6 do not meet expectations for being consistent with the progression in the standards. The mathematics progression for Course 1 is based on the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Curriculum Focal Points instead of the Common Core State Standards, thus the grade-by-grade progression of the CCSSM is not reflected in these materials. The materials have a Reaching all Learners section at the beginning of each chapter but it does not give specific support for teachers on how to differentiate in each lesson. There are pretests for each chapter but in order to use the data to make instructional decisions a teacher would need to have the supplemental materials. The materials do not explicitly relate grade level material to prior knowledge from earlier grades. The same exact lesson is in each of the Grade 6 through Grade 8 texts, but there is no indicator in the materials that this lesson will repeat in future grades.

There is a mathematics background section for each chapter for the teacher. It gives a general overview of connections between grade levels. 0/2 Indicator 1f Materials foster coherence through connections at a single grade, where appropriate and required by the Standards i. Materials include learning objectives that are visibly shaped by CCSSM cluster headings. Materials include problems and activities that serve to connect two or more clusters in a domain, or two or more domains in a grade, in cases where these connections are natural and important. The instructional materials for Grade 6 do not meet expectations for fostering coherence.

The mathematics progression is based on the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Curriculum Focal Points instead of the CCSS, thus the learning objectives are not visibly shaped by the CCSSM cluster headings. The mathematics taught in this series is done in isolation without connections between clusters. There is repetitive work across the grade levels.

For example, chapter 7 course 1 and chapter 4 course 2 cover almost identical material on ratios, rates and proportions. Chapter 8 in both course 1 and 2 include practically the same geometry information on lines and angles and transformations.

GATEWAY TWO Rigor And Mathematical Practices DID NOT REVIEW ( Learn why) GATEWAY THREE Usability DID NOT REVIEW ( Learn why).

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