Mercury Smartcraft Manuals 2016

Hi, I'm about to configure my new level 3 MercMonitor, and have questions around trim settings. From the manual, it says: 'IMPORTANT: To achieve accurate trim full up calibration, this must be performed on the water while the vessel is running at cruising speed.

Mercury Smartcraft Manuals

Mercury Smartcraft Manuals 2016

VesselView Mobile provides Mercury Marine SmartCraft® engine owners with the ability to view live engine data, monitor fuel usage, obtain detailed.

While at cruising speed, trim up to the maximum trim angle before the vessel begins to porpoise, then press the '+' button.' All steps in the manual cover only trim full down, trim full up, trim trailer. Questions: 1) Where in the setting is the important note from the manual valid? 2) How do I know when the enigine is trimmed to trailer level? - Geir Inge Logged. I've been trying to get my trim settings correct too. I missed the part about running at speed when you do this.

I don't really like messing around with the settings when I'm riding. But, I figured I could make a mental note of where the trim up point is and then just set it when I am not moving. That number just seems to be nothing more than a number anyway. Plus, it's going to vary according to sea conditions, fuel, and passenger weight. I could set it to 1/2 way up the scale, 12.5?

And call it done. Realistically, I'm not going to trim anywhere near that high when riding. Does anybody know if there is a mechanical indicator actuator made for Verados?

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