1989 Fxr Service Manual
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. 3 Answers SOURCE: properly, remove inspection cover on left side case. The wheel is marked. TDC and the proper just before TDC I believe.
With a timing light. Adjust plate till you see the proper timing mark. IF IT IS TOTALLY STOCK.off hand, put the plate in the center of its adjustment. It will run there. You can adjust it slightly in either direction.
Usually it is slightly clockwise from center. When it starts right. If it diesels. Back it off a little. Posted on Sep 11, 2009. Hi, Rory for this scenario you will need a service/owners manual if you can not find the first and best tool you ever bought for your Harley, despair not, for a mere $10 you can download another one.
For more information about your issue and valuable 'FREE' downloads that you will need please click on the links below and for more specific information or questions at no charge please feel free to contact me at xlch@mail.com. Good luck and have a nice day. A must have!!! Only $6 a month 'CHEAP' Jul 21, 2016. Hi, Jessie for this scenario you will need a service/owners manual if you can not find the first and best tool you ever bought for your Harley, despair not,I have one for free but it is huge 196mb because it covers all models 84-98 had trouble with the download or for a mere $10 you can download one just for 1989. For more information about your issue and valuable 'FREE' downloads that you will need please click on the links below and for specific information or questions please feel free to contact me at xlch@mail.com. Good luck and have a nice day.
A must have!!! Only $6 a month 'CHEAP' Jun 29, 2016. Well, to begin with, I don't think your Evo flywheel is marked with an 'advanced rear cyl.'
It has a Top Dead Center mark, another mark at 20°, and an 'adv. The 20° mark is used by the dealership to set the timing. I don't know how they do this but I always use the Front Cylinder Advanced mark to time the engines. For a description of your timing marks, go to Crane Cams' site and look at their installation instructions for an HI-4 Ignition unit.
Go to the last page (pg.8) of the instructions and it will show you what the timing marks look like. Here's the page: Now, there is no telling what can happen with anything electronic but what I'd do is disconnect the VOES electrically. I wouldn't just pull the vacuum hose, I'd either disconnect the plug where it plugs into the ignition system or disconnect the ground to see if that makes a difference. This is just to rule out the VOES switch which I don't think is the problem.
I ran into this problem once before on a 1989 FLHTCU with the stock ignition unit on it. It would revert to 'initial timing setting' when the engine was idling. It would roll the timing back to just before TDC (about 5° BTDC) whenever the engine would idle. I suspect the it was the engine speed sensing circuitry inside the unit that was bad. It didn't know the engine was running, just that the ignition switch was on. Since there is no real way to test the unit, we simply replaced the ignition system and the problem went away.
Sorry I couldn't help you more. Ride Safe Steve Apr 10, 2011. To set the timing on your 88 Evo powered FXR, you want to first identify the timing marks on the flywheel. Raise the rear wheel of your bike off the ground and secure it so that it won't fall over. Remove the spark plugs and shift the transmission into high gear.
Remove the Timing Hole plug on the left side of the engine. Now, to find the Top Dead Center mark, insert a plastic drinking straw, or something else that will bend but not break, into the front spark plug hole. With the straw touching the piston, 'bump' the rear wheel in the normal direction of rotation until the straw indicates the piston is at TDC. Look in the timing hole and you should see a vertical line indicating TDC. Now, start 'bumping' the rear wheel in reverse. You'll come to a mark that looks like the figure 8 laid over on it's side, a lazy 8. This is the 20?° Before Top Dead Center mark that is used by the dealer.
Continue 'bumping' the rear wheel until you see a 'dot' on the flywheel. This is the Front Cylinder Advanced Timing Mark. This is the mark you want to see in the timing hole and represents 35?° BTDC.
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Now, temporarily reinstall the timing plug leaving it loose. Shift the transmission into neutral and reinstall the spark plugs. Connect an automotive type timing light to the front spark plug wire and a battery. Start the engine and allow it to warm up a bit. Bring the engine up to 2200-2500 RPM. Remove the timing hole and shine the light in the hole.
NOTE: A Harley engine generates a huge amount of crankcase pressure. This pressure will blow out of the open timing hole with great force and will also blow an oil mist out. DO NOT GET YOUR EYES DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE HOLE. You can purchase a clear timing plug to install in the hole but it doesn't work too well. Another device called 'Clean Time' works better. At 2500 or higher, the 'dot' should be in the exact center of the hole. If it isn't, but you can still see it in the hole, you're within about plus or minus 2?° of being correct.
If you need to adjust the timing, remove the cover over the timer cavity hole in the 'nosecone' of the engine on the right side of the engine. If it's still got the original rivets in it, you'll have to drill them out. DO NOT USE ORDINARY RIVETS TO SECURE THE PLATE.
These are special rivets. Either get replacements at a dealer or put screws into the plate.
You'll see the timing sensor pickup and the plate it sits on. Loosen the stand off bolts and you can rotate the plate clockwise to advance the timing, counterclockwise to. the timing.
If the 'dot' is at the forward part of the hole, the timing is retarded and needs to be advanced. 'Dot' to the rear, timing is advanced and needs to be retarded. Now, if you cannot see the mark indicating that the timing is way off and you can't see the 'dot', you'll need to use a timing light with a 'manual advance knob' and use the TDC mark instead.
Set the timing light's knob to 35?°. With the engine running at elevated RPM, shine the light at the hole. Adjust the knob back and forth until you see the TDC mark dead in the center of the hole.
Read the dial at the knob and see what it indicates. This is your actual ignition timing. If it's above 35?°, your timing is fast and should be retarded and Vice versa. Your timing should be set at 35?° BTDC.
93 Harley Fxr Service Manual
Good Luck Steve Nov 22, 2010. First off, you have to find the Front Cylinder Advanced timing mark on the flywheels. Lift the rear wheel of the bike off the ground and support it in a safe manner. Remove the spark plugs from the engine and put the transmission in fifth gear. Now, using a common everyday plastic drinking straw (Note: don't use anything else or you may damage a piston or it may break off leaving part of whatever you used in the cylinder requiring the removal of the head), bump the rear wheel in the direction of rotation until the front piston it at Top Dead Center. Remove the timing plug from the crankcase on the left side of the engine.
You should see the TDC timing mark in the hole. If not, bump the engine slightly forward or backwards until you do. It should be a straight up and down line on the crank. Now, slowly start bumping the rear wheel in the backwards direction. You may see a mark come into view that looks kinda like this 'oo', this is a factory timing mark,not the front cylinder advanced mark. Continue bumping the rear wheel wheel in the backwards direction until you see the Front Cylinder Advanced mark. It will look like 'dot' on the crankshaft 'o'.
The piston should be approximately 7/16' down from TDC, If you go further, you will not see anymore marks until you come back around to the TDC mark. NOTE, you may or may not have the front cylinder on the compression stroke.
It doesn't matter, all you're doing right now is finding the correct timing mark. ' This is the mark you want to time the engine to. Put the transmission back in neutral. Reinstall the spark plugs and connect a timing light to the front cylinder spark plug.
Start the engine and set the engine speed at 1300 -1500 RPM. Shine the light into the timing hole. You should see the Front Cylinder Advanced timing mark in the center of the hole.
If not, you'll have to move the timing plate on the right side of the engine to get the timing mark in the center of the hole. Moving the plate clockwise advances the timing and moves the timing mark towards the rear of the timing hole. Moving the plate counterclocwise retards the timing and moves the timing mark towards the front of the timing hole. Harley makes a clear plug to go into the timing hole that is supposed to prevent the oil spray from the oil when the engine is running. I've tried to use them but it is very difficult to see the timing mark when using one.
There are other tools available, CleanTime or something like that, but I've never used them. I usually start the engine with the plug loosely screwed into the timing hole. Once I get the engine started and up to speed, I take the plug out. DO NOT GET YOUR FACE NEAR THE HOLE. The crankcase pressure will blow oil in your eye and it hurts. Stand back and a bit off to the side to view into the hole.
If you will contact me directly, I'll scan and send you a picture of what the timing marks look like. A picture is worth a thousand words. Contact me directly at wd4ity @ bellsouth.net Good luck Steve Jun 12, 2010. Is the vacuum hose removed from the dist when the timing is being checked? Are you connected to the first plug wire (closest to the rad) on the drivers side? If this is being done.remove the cap and rotor and check the springs on the mechanical advance,the advance should be tight to the shaft and springs tight.
I would set the base timing on this set up.at idle speed. At between 5 and 10 before TDC. Remember.timing marks on modified engines are not always accurate. Parts from this year and that year put together.
Sep 01, 2009.